Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Catholic Advocate Parish Leader

So, I signed up to be "Parish Leader" to get the word out about the HHS Mandate not knowing what it entailed. I got my informational email today and phew, it's not that scary.

I have to print out a bunch of letters to representatives and find a way to get a bunch of people at my parish to sign them. Then mail all of them back to Catholic Advocate.

So, I emailed my pastor and haven't heard back yet. I'm hoping he calls me or writes back so that I don't have to be pushy and call him. But I will. This is important. I hate situations like this, but I wasn't confident that anyone else would get it done if I didn't, so I had to do it. I'm so nervous.

Here's more information in case YOU want to get involved:

At Sew's Blog


Monday, January 30, 2012

Shoved to Them: A Call to Arms, My Brothers!

Rebecca wrote an awesome post. This is an issue for everyone in America, not just Catholics. Click and see:

Shoved to Them: A Call to Arms, My Brothers!: Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak out because I was Protestant. Then they came for me and there was no one left t...


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Time to Stand UP!!

I've been stewing for a week over this. In a nutshell, Catholics who employ others will be forced to provide contraception, sterilization, and abortion inducing drugs through insurance. If they don't, they will be fined. We have 1 year to comply, or else. Well, we will not comply.

Funny little thing we're supposed to have in America called THE FIRST AMENDMENT:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

So...wait, isn't this mandate in direct violation of this amendment. Why yes, yes it is. Here's the problem, the government should NEVER be allowed to mandate something that directly violates a person's religious convictions. This is NOT a birth control issue, this is a religious liberty issue. Like Kaitlin said on her blog:

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. It doesn't matter if you don't agree. It doesn't matter if you think we're crazy/total whackos/going to hell/hypocritical zealots. What matters is that the government is infringing on our religious liberty in a big, big way.

What makes you think your beliefs aren't next?"

So, stand up, people. Not just Catholics. Everyone. Stand up against this administration's mandate against religious freedoms. Speak out. Stand together, because it will only get worse from here.

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak out because I was Protestant.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

I don't have much else to say without going off in a rage for an hour, so I'll leave you with some links, so that YOU can get active.

Call your Bishop if you haven't heard him speak out. Call him if you haven't heard your own parish speak out. Spread the news on Facebook that this mandate is wrong, and tell people you know that it's wrong. 



Friday, January 27, 2012

7 Quick Takes

--- 1 ---

Well, the week started out great, we went to the Phoenix March and Rally for life on Sunday, after mass with Bishop Olmsted. It was a fun time. JoAnna and her family were there, plus 700 other people.  Rallies always fire me up for one more year of fighting the fight. I love them. My goal is to someday go to the DC March for Life. I would love to next year, but I'm not sure if that's possible. We'll see! Maybe I could do a fundraiser, haha!!

--- 2 ---

A group that I'm in on FB full of Catholic women had a day yesterday where we all posted our laundry areas. Let's just say mine was the worst, by a long shot. I have already filled two bags with clothes and I still have work to do. After that shame, I am very determined to get it done. Anyone want to help? Seriously, I need help.

--- 3 ---

Sunday night took a turn for the worse when Charlotte woke up with a high fever, shivering, and throwing up. She was gagging and having trouble breathing, so I took her to the ER. We were there from 2 am until just after 5 am. They didn't find anything wrong while we were there, even though they ran a ton of tests, poor girl, but when I took her to the doctor on Tuesday, she cleaned the wax out of her ear and discovered a bulging, infected ear drum. My poor baby!!! She is now on antibiotics and feeling much better, thankfully.

--- 4 ---

So, since the MSM ignored the DC March for Life, as usual. I'm going to include a video and some pics of it here.

What's "hilarious" is on the Planned Parenthood FB page (yes, I stalk it), there were people there saying we must all be high, because we were saying there were that many people at the rally. Uh, right, you keep on living in lalaland. The pictures speak for themselves.

Bad Catholic's Smackdown is hilarious


--- 5 ---

Awesome video:

--- 6 ---
I love Governor Brewer!
Obama was in AZ the other day. Not a good place for him to be, imo. Gov. Brewer gave him a talking to, though.

Here's the letter she gave him. She's awesome. And I just saw on her FB page that her book sales jumped 3,432,120%.... In one day! HAHAHA!!!

--- 7 ---

*I* am going to Danya's house today!!!! She is letting me borrow a single stroller, since I have to take Charlotte to my dental appt next week. Good times. Hope my kids don't ravage her home.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bishop Olmsted's Homily - 1-22-12

I received this via email and thought I'd share, since I mentioned it in my last post. I'm going to highlight my favorite parts.


Rich in Mercy
Sermon 3 B
Jesus said, “This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” Mk 1:14
In the American Civil War, a young man was drafted into the Cavalry of New York State by the name of Roswell McIntyre. With almost no military training, he was sent to the front lines because the North was losing ground and needed every available soldier. Shortly thereafter, McIntyre got scared, panicked and went AWOL. Not too long thereafter, he was caught, court-martialed and condemned to death for desertion of duty.

His mother appealed the case to President Abraham Lincoln. “Roswell was young”, she said, “poorly trained, lacking experience; could he not be given a second chance?” Before deciding the case, President Lincoln sought input from his army brass. They urged him to uphold the sentence. An army in such dire straits needed discipline more than ever. If the Commander in Chief pardoned a deserter, he would undermine army discipline

so badly that the war would be jeopardized. After some days of pondering the matter, Abraham Lincoln reached a decision. He wrote:
I have observed that it never does a boy much good to shoot him. This letter will certify that Roswell McIntyre is to be readmitted into the New York Cavalry. When he serves out his required enlistment, he will be freed of any charges of desertion.”
This faded document, written and signed by President Lincoln, is on display in the US Library of Congress, with a note alongside which reads: “This letter was taken from the body of Roswell McIntyre, who died at the battle of Little Five Forks, Virginia.”
“It never does a boy much good to shoot him.” Abraham Lincoln understood the importance of mercy. But the Prophet Jonah did not; when first called to
bring God’s word to Nineveh, he had the mindset of the Civil War Generals in charge the Union Army. He did not want mercy for these enemies. Wrong is wrong, he insisted, and punishment is what they deserved.

But the mercy of God is everlasting. God persisted in loving the Ninevites and in calling Jonah to bear His message of repentance to them—for the sake of Nineveh but also for the conversion of Jonah. Much to his dismay, Jonah was immensely successful with the people of Nineveh, but it took much longer for God to successfully bring about conversion in Jonah, His stubborn messenger.
When the Lord Jesus began His Public Ministry, as recounted in our Gospel passage today, Mk 1:14-20, His first words proclaimed the mercy of God. He said, “This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” Mk 1:14
In the Lord Jesus Himself, God enters human history and in Him the fullness of mercy enters. In His own divine person, the Kingdom of God is already present; and yet, He says it is “at hand” to indicate that its full consummation will unfold over time. God will allow time for His people to hear and to accept His call and to enter into the fullness of His mercy, as He allowed Jonah time to repent. Jesus calls for a two-part response: “Repent, and believe.” He leads us to desire what we pray for in the Lord’s Prayer: “Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
This call to repent and believe is not merely theoretical. To show how immediate and personal it is, Jesus begins at once to call His first disciples. To Simon and Andrew, then to James and John, He says, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Notice the parallel here to the mission of Jonah, with the humorous difference that instead of His disciples being swallowed by a large fish and then vomited onto the shore, they will fish for men and be instruments for the Lord to drag them out of the dark waters of sin and bring them into the clean water and safe harbor of the Church.

Notice the power of God’s mercy in Christ to bring about a radical change. The four whom Jesus called immediately abandoned their nets (i.e. their work, their profession), and followed Him: no hesitation, no questions, no discussion—just a radical and prompt obedience to the Lord Jesus. Again, this is like the immediate response of the Ninevites to the call to conversion announced by Jonah.

May you and I never lose confidence in the power of God’s mercy to change lives—our own and those whom He gives us to love. And may we never forget that God desires not that the evildoer be lost but that he be converted and live.

As we gather for Mass today, we cannot be unmindful that today marks the 39th anniversary of the infamous US Supreme Court decision, Roe v Wade. That fateful decision made legal, and led to, the killing of over 50 million American children. Millions of these would be in their 30s today, some would be present here in Church, if not for abortion, which the Second Vatican Council called “an unspeakable crime.” What light does God’s word throw upon this national travesty? At least three things:

First, it illustrates the falsehood that abortion solves a mother’s problems. How could it ever be helpful to assist a mother to kill her own child—to do the very opposite of what motherhood means? As President Lincoln said, “I have observed that it never does a boy much good to shoot him.”

Second, the evil of abortion and the conversion of abortionists and all who support it will never come about unless animated by love and supported by God’s mercy. We do well to remember the words that Blessed John Paul addressed to women who had experienced an abortion (EVANGELIUM VITAE, 99), “The Church is aware of the many factors which may have influenced your decision, and she does not doubt that in many cases it was a painful and even shattering decision. The wound in your heart may not yet have healed. Certainly what happened was and remains terribly wrong. “But do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. Try rather to understand what happened and face it honestly. If you have not already done so, give yourselves over with humility and trust to repentance. The Father of mercies is ready to give you His forgiveness and His peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You will come to understand that nothing is definitively lost and you will also be able to ask forgiveness from your child, who is now living in the Lord. With the friendly and expert help and advice of other people, and as a result of your own painful experience, you can be among the most eloquent defenders of everyone’s right to life.”

Third, now is the time for action.The Kingdom of God is at hand.” The Lord who called Simon and Andrew, James and John, to be fishers of men, is calling you and me now to be defenders of unborn children and to fight for the right to life and dignity of every human person. The stakes are higher now than ever before. Just two days ago, Friday January 20th, the Obama Administration decided to demand that sterilization, abortifacients and contraception be included in virtually all health plans, beginning 12 months from now. In response to this decision, the president of the US Bishops Conference, Cardinal-elect Timothy Dolan, had this to say, “In effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences...To force American citizens to choose between violating their consciences and forgoing their healthcare is literally unconscionable. It is as much an attack on access to health care as on religious freedom...The government should not force Americans to act as if pregnancy is a disease to be prevented at all costs.

What is at stake here is the survival of the First Amendment to the U.S Constitution, in addition to the protection of unborn children and the rights of conscience. Cardinal-elect Dolan continued: "The Obama administration has now drawn an unprecedented line in the sand...The Catholic bishops are committed to working with our fellow Americans to reform the law and change this unjust regulation. We will continue to study all the implications of this troubling decision."

This is not the first attempt in our nation to silence Catholics and other persons of faith. But it is perhaps the most grave. God calls us to respond with truth and love to this national crisis. No one is ever converted by hate, but neither are they converted by inaction.

The Kingdom of God is at hand.” With unfailing hope, then, let us continue to be Christ’s faithful witnesses; As long as abortion is legal and whenever our rights of conscience are threatened, Christ asks us, as He asked His first disciples, to stand up against the culture of death and to allow Him, working within our minds and hearts, to build a culture of life.


God bless Bishop Olmsted. He is a wonderful warrior for life.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Right to Life March and Rally - 2012

Tomorrow commemorates the 39th year of Roe v. Wade.

Over 50 million unborn babies have been killed legally since then. 50. Million.

Every year there are pro-life marches across the country. The biggest ones are in DC and San Francisco. Every year we go to the Phoenix March and Rally for life.

Before the rally, though, was mass with our wonderful Bishop Olmsted. He spoke about the recent attacks on the Church and how this year is crucial for the pro-life movement. How we cannot afford to lay down and die. That we must stand up and fight for the movement and our religious freedoms.

I agree. Obama has shown in 3 measly years that he will only promote the culture of death, attack Christians' religious liberties, and spend ghastly amounts of money. He is moving us closer and closer to Socialism as he goes.

GET this president OUT in November. Do everything in your power until then to explain WHY you are voting against him. DO NOT let someone tell you your vote doesn't matter. Do not use your vote as a protest to the system. Do not stay home. Get out there, do what it takes, and vote for the candidate that will beat him. Not third party, not for a non-nominee, the person that can win. I'm not talking specifics. The person who gets the nominee to run against Obama is who gets my vote, end of story. And if you have a problem with the 2 party system, then start an organization to start working on that in other ways. Throwing the election proves nothing, and will only give Obama 4 more years to further destroy our country.

Our children and our freedom is at stake.

Anyway, I'm off on a tangent, but that's what I do best. So, here are pictures.


My beautiful Amelia and the crowd behind her.

Little toddler friends - Tessa and JoAnna's daughter Violet.

Me, Bishop Olmsted, Tessa, Charlotte, and Amelia

I am so thankful for Bishop Olmsted. He is a wonderful Bishop and a wonderful warrior for the pro-life movement.

I'm also thankful for friends like JoAnna who stay active in the movement.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Not Quick Takes

This week went way too fast. With the issues dealing with my parish, with my kids acting like crazy people since before Christmas, with my dishwasher breaking and me having to do all of our dishes by hand, with more drama from my mother, more money issues, more Facebook debates, etc, I just don't feel like doing Quick Takes.

I realize my blog is pretty whiny and annoying lately. I apologize for that. I'm trying to remain prayerful to get through this. I really just want things to calm down, and coming close to my 31st birthday, when my 30th birthday was a joke and so was this past year, I'm having a hard time right now.

There's the raw truth. I'm just treading water and fighting like hell so that maybe I will come out of this 30 years of nonsense in one piece.


Thursday, January 19, 2012


Well I guess I just get to complain some more. The woman from my parish never did my dispensation from when she said she would at the beginning of November. I called the diocese tribunal and found out, since I'm just getting the runaround from her.

So, after I was basically in tears while talking to the tribunal, she called and said she's getting the paperwork ready for my dispensation and it'll take 4-6 weeks. This is so stupid. It's going to be Easter soon after, if this happens, which I don't trust will at this point. And after Easter I don't need a dispensation anyway because Kyle will be Catholic.

So, thanks, parish secretary, for not doing your job correctly, completely forgetting, then lying to me about it, and making me live longer in an invalid marriage when this all should've been done and over with in December.

All I want is to be in communion with the Church. I don't appreciate how much harder she has made this.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Convalidation Frustration

I'm not sure exactly what month I started this process, I think it was October. We were hoping to have our marriage convalidated on our civil anniversary, but I never heard back from the church secretary about my dispensation to marry outside of the church, so I figured it hadn't gone through yet. Then the holidays happened, and once those were over she was on vacation, and I finally got ahold of her yesterday.

She told me I needed to come in to sign some papers, have some other people fill out some other papers about us, and that she'd call me back after talking to Father about a date. She also asked me a million questions that I had already discussed with her on numerous occasions.

So, then she calls me back today and exclaims, "Well, Kyle isn't baptized!!" Lady, I know that, and I've told you that on numerous occasions. She said we needed to wait until he was baptized. I said, "Uh, no, that's why we filed the dispensation." She was like, "You would've needed that regardless." Me, "........."

So, I explained to her, again that I was not looking for sacramental marriage, I knew that that would be the case after he is baptized, but that I was looking to have it convalidated so that I would be in communion with the Church. She said that's not possible. I asked her then what exactly would happen if he WEREN'T in RCIA? I'm not allowed to marry outside of the Church? Nonsense. I don't understand why this woman does not understand the importance of this. Yes, we screwed up and got ourselves into a mess. But we've been trying to fix it for months. WHY.IS.THAT.SO.HARD?

She said she'd call the diocese and get back to me in a bit. What?

Guess who didn't call me back.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 ---

Monday was so fun. JoAnna and I took some kids and went to a counter protest against Planned Parenthood, downtown at the Capitol. Total coincidence that a grade from Amelia's school was also there for a field trip. You can read about our experiences here and here. I am so glad to have found a new buddy for these types of things!! And, I don't even need to talk, cuz she just rocks like that and takes care of it all, hehe.

(The Planned Parenthood people snuck their sign in the back. JoAnna and I are in the front with our babies.)

--- 2 ---

3 of my 4 kids have eye infections. I guess it's pink eye, but the doctor didn't call it that, so I'm sticking with the less scary of the two terms. Getting drops into 3 kids' eyes 3 times a day is real fun, I tell you what. It's almost as bad as trying to give a cat medicine.

--- 3 ---

Big time good news from Kyle's work this week. They are giving all the part-timers raises and will be promoting 3 people to full-time. We need major prayers that he will get one of these positions. They all love him at work, he's an awesome worker, but he's technically only been at the job 4 months, because his prior experience at FedEx Ground doesn't count towards superiority. *sigh* Please pray and pray hard for us. We need this. So much. Thank you!

--- 4 ---

I love watching my blog stats. They make me laugh. I have someone that either has an IP address scrambler or is from Latvia reading my blog. I also got a hit from Google when someone searched "Ron Paul." HAHAHAHAA!! Also, I'm up to 8 readers! SUPAHSTAH!

--- 5 ---

Uhh... anyone else have problems coming up with 7 takes? Hmm...

Oh, well the AZRTL March and Rally is the 22nd. Anyone going to join me? If you're not in AZ, look for a pro-life march in your area that weekend! It'll be awesome, I promise!

Mass with Bishop Olmsted is at 11, and the march starts at 12:30.

--- 6 ---

Anyone watch the results of the NH primaries? I did. *yawn* Nothing is as exciting as the Iowa Caucuses were. Seriously. That one was like sports for politics geeks, like me! Still excited about the NC primaries though.

Go Rick Santorum! Check out my opinions on the candidates here! (It took me a long time to make since I'm pretty much nursing every second of the day!)

--- 7 ---

Okay, here is a rundown of my favorite links from this week:

They look aliiiiive!

Happy weekend! We have a 4 day weekend, here!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Ron Paul Supporters...

A disclaimer: I have nothing against Ron Paul supporters. I appreciate the zeal they hold. I don't agree with them, but I do respect how active they are in spreading the word about the person they support.

That said, I finally encountered in person what you would call a "Paulbot", yesterday at the rally. He came up to us and said, "We're on your side!" And handed us a brochure. JoAnna refused the brochure and explained Ron Paul's views on abortion being left up to a state vote. He replied with, "Ron Paul is the most pro-life candidate, having delivered over 4,000 babies! Abortion IS a state issue not a Federal issue." JoAnna continued to challenge him and he walked away.

State issue / Federal issue aside, how in the world does delivering 4,000 babies mean you are more pro-life than the other candidates? I know of plenty of OB/GYN's that deliver babies and abort babies all the same.

Supporting your guy is one thing, but repeating the same thing over and over again is really obnoxious. It's like they all went through training or something, because they all word it the same way.

I like how it used to be "cool" to be a liberal and how that's changing and it's "cool" to be a Paul supporter. I like the shift towards conservatives values, of course, but I do feel like it's a little High School.

Oh well, I'll take the Ron Paulbots over the angry, screaming, swearing Occupy dude any day.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Counter-Protests are Interesting

JoAnna did a great job of summing up the day here, but here's my take on it.

JoAnna is awesome. The AZRTL told us to try not to engage, but then they led us straight through the middle of the Planned Parenthood supporters. I tuned everyone out, I wasn't about to fight when I had Lily there watching, and when I tried to pass through the crowd, some of them wouldn't move. I said, "excuse me please, excuse me...." 10 times, got through, but accidentally ran over an old lady's foot with my stroller. Whatever, I apologized, but she should've moved. JoAnna was in the thick of it on the third time through, and I commend her. I think she did an awesome job. I'm not quick witted and I just want to smack those people.

It's amazing to me the contrast of the two movements. On our side, young women, some men, and kids. We're joyful, we pray, we smile. Their side is full of yelling, hate, and outright disrespect, (and old people).

So, let's apply that to the issue at hand. They're standing up in support of DEATH. We are standing up in support of LIFE. Is it any wonder they are full of hate and we are full of joy?

It was an interesting experience. I've been to many rallies, but never a counter-protest. It was fun.

The Tea Party was also there, in support of Sheriff Joe, and I invited them to the pro-life rally and march in two weeks. Take some time, and come out and march, too!

This was at the end of the Rally. Picture curtesy of AZRTL's FB page. JoAnna and I are in the front with the kiddos. :)


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I've Resisted Long Enough - Politics!

Well, after last night's super exciting Iowa Caucuses, I'm officially in political mode. After I flooded Facebook with my ramblings watching the results come in, Santorum and Romney switching back and forth between 1st and 2nd place for 5 hours, I gave up and went to bed. Santorum was in the lead. When I woke up, Romney had won by 8... EIGHT votes! Who needs sports? Not this girl.

So, by popular demand (just kidding), here is my rundown of the top 4 (in Iowa) candidates.

My official endorsement:

Rick Santorum
His Facebook Page
The Issues
His Voting Record*
Other Info

Why I support him:
First of all he's pro-life. You can call me a one-issue voter all you want, but I will never, ever vote for a person that is not pro-life. He is not just pro-life in his voting record, he lives it. His daughter has Trisomy 18 (a condition which can be diagnosed in utero and the majority of babies diagnosed with it are aborted), and they held a funeral for their baby boy who was born prematurely and died after only 2 hours of life.

Second, he's Catholic. Not Cafeteria Catholic. Truly Catholic... I'm tired of the pseudo-Catholics in office pretending like they're true to the teachings of the Church and they're not. It's frustrating. I love that Santorum is un-apologetic about his beliefs. Yes, he'll likely be painted as an extremist. But I'm hoping that his campaign will be able to overcome that. And despite what some disgusting people did to him on Google, he is gaining popularity. (Bad publicity is still publicity, right?)

Lastly, he seems to truly care about poor people, fixing the economy, and homeland security.

I heard he raised $1 million today in campaign contributions. Iowa really helped him.

My 2nd choice:

Newt Gingrich
His Facebook Page
The Issues
His Voting Record*

Yes, he has been a politician forever. Yes, he has faced his share of scandal. But, no one can deny that this guy is smart. He knows his history, he has the experience, he's strong on defense, and he's a Catholic convert. I like to believe he in genuine on the issues when it comes to faith and his closer relationship with Christ. He claims to have reconciled with God and I hope that's true. He's pro-life. He is an excellent debater, which would be awesome against Obama, in my opinion.

More Newt links:
Nine Days that Changed the World
Divorce Myth
The Ethics Violation Fiasco

The others:

Mitt Romney
His Facebook Page
The Issues
His Voting Record*

I'm sorry, I don't have much to say that's nice about this one. I find him arrogant and I think he's a liar. I can't seem to find any pro-life information on his campaign site, even though he claims to be pro-life now (he didn't used to be). I think he changes his views on things in order to benefit him in elections. Yes, people have changes of heart, but this guy is really inconsistant.

But, if he ends up being the nomination, I will vote for him, because, let's be honest, a bag of rocks is better than Obama. And, we all know Obama won't change his views on abortion and other such things, so I'll just have to suck it up and hope that Romney isn't lying.

And come on... we lost in 2008 because we ran a moderate against Obama. NO MORE!

Okay, and apologize for this liberal link I'm about to post, but it was the best one I could find:

Flip Flop?

Ron Paul
His Facebook Page
The Issues
His Voting Record*
Other Info

This is a hard one. I agree with him in many areas. But, I think he's a lunatic. The fact that he wants to leave abortion laws up to the states is WRONG. Rape, murder, slavery, and other crimes against humanity are federal offenses. Abortion needs to be too. Human rights need to be protected. From conception to natural death. I don't see how that could happen in America if we leave it up to the states.

Also, he wants to remain neutral on things he doesn't think have anything to do with the United States. Like Iran. Really? Terrorists with nukes? No problem, right?

I am sad that even if he doesn't get the nomination, that so many people will still support him. I don't understand why they would want to support Obama by voting for a person that isn't the nominee. Do I think our system is flawed? Yes, but voting off the ballot is helping the WORST person win, it's not helping your cause, it's not helping improve anything. I do understand doing things out of principle, but a vote for a non-candidate, is a vote for the bad guy. Work on getting some election reform done, instead of throwing away elections every 4 years. PLEASE!

And that's my take on that. If he does get the nomination, I will still vote for him, of course. But I won't like it ;)

Thank you for reading my opinions. I love politics. Sorry I don't have time or energy to post about all of the candidates. I'd love if readers added links to articles about each candidate, so that anyone else reading has lots of places to click for research. Or little quips and facts about them with citation. But, I'd rather not debate. Information is all I want. Research them all, make a smart choice.

Oh, and I almost forgot, the New Hampshire debates are this weekend! Tune in, January 7th, 9 PM EST on ABC.


*I did not research this voting record site fully. If it is slanted in any way, let me know. I am hoping it is just a factual site.