Friday, January 2, 2015

7 Quick Takes


I am taking the month of January off of Facebook to refocus a bit. I have been wanting to get back into blogging, and also get my family blog updated for a while, but I haven't had a chance. I think this will help me get there, as well as add some more prayer to my life.


Christmas and New Year's Eve was wonderful. My kids had so much fun, we got to spend Christmas day with family, and the New Year's Eve, the big girls and I played Sorry! and had hot chocolate and did sparklers. Christmas Day, we went to the parish closest to us, instead of our own parish, for mass, and it was interesting, to say the least... I love our parish, and that experience reminded me of how much I truly do.


Is anyone planning on seeing the Pope when he comes to America? I would like to, in a perfect world, but I'm not sure I will be able to make it happen.

Coming to Americaaaa!


In case you didn't know, Friends, the complete series, has been added to Netflix streaming!!! I know it's a little "Liberal Agenda"-ish... but it's always been one of my favorites, and I am already having a blast watching all the old episodes. I watched 5 last night and plan on watching more tonight.


Speaking of TV, Downton Abbey and the Bachelor start this week. I am sooooo excited! Yes, I know the Bachelor is horrible, and I promise it is about the raciest thing I can handle these days, but I love it. I am hoping my favorite recap-blogger will be blogging through this season!


What is one thing you always wanted for Christmas as a child but never received? For me, it was an American Girl doll. I read all the books from our school library and loved the historical stories. But I never was able to have a doll. My mom was a single mom and that was wayyyy out of our price range. I never, ever thought I'd buy them for our girls, because HELLO, they are SO expensive... but I had a feeling that Amelia really did want one, but was too afraid to ask, and that made my heart ache a bit. Lily had asked for one and then said she would take a Target knock-off instead, but I knew she really wanted one, too... So, when Kyle's dad sent us a large amount of money right before Christmas, I KNEW what I could do...

Let me tell you, I am not one to spend this much on Christmas. But I have never, ever seen such a twinkle in my girls' eyes like I did when they opened those dolls. They never in a million years expected to get them, and the experience made me cry. I am so happy I was able to do something special for them. Maybe this all sounds stupid, and I understand that. But I don't care. I had to share, because I am so proud of my girls for appreciating this gift. They are not as spoiled as I think they are.


Now, I must take a break from the rambling about expensive dolls and bring this blog back to Earth. I am asking one thing of you all this year. And that's to honestly, strongly discern whether or not you are called to adoption. Put your doubts aside. Spend time in adoration. LISTEN to Christ, and let Him lead you. No excuses. Let them go. If you feel called, jump. Shoot me an email, and we can chat through all doubts and fears. If you do not feel called at this time, consider how you can help.

If you consider yourself pro-life, this should be your next logical step. Stretch yourselves this year.

In honor of St. Basil's feast day...

Happy 2015! Have a wonderful weekend and a Christ-centered New Year!!


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